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Plan Efficiently with Instagram Story Templates
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Plan Efficiently with Instagram Story Templates

Product Updates
March 14, 2019
Instagram Stories Templates on HeyOrca|Instagram Stories Templates|Instagram Stories Templates Save|Instagram Stories Templates Flow|Instagram Stories Example|Published Instagram Story

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We're all about helping agencies take back their day here at HeyOrca, but we know it's a tall task.

Between continuously executing on your various marketing strategies and keeping clients happy, it's hard to worry about small details like ensuring brand consistency and achieving efficiencies (Time is money 💰).

That's why we're excited to tell you about our latest update which lets you save your reusable Instagram Stories templates so that they're more accessible as you incorporate engaging stories into your social media plans!

There aren't enough hours in a day⏰

I have no time. You have no time. Your clients have no time. So why is it that we're constantly forced to work in ways that don't help us make the most out of our working hours?

We hear on a daily basis from agencies who just accept that they'll always be drowning in redundancies - creating the same assets over and over. Upload content to one spreadsheet, copy to another, import to one tool, export and publish from another. And the list goes on.

Listening to agencies and marketing teams talk through these cumbersome processes is what motivates our team to come up with ways to slowly, but surely, steal back their time. 💪

Beautiful, branded, reusable Instagram Stories Templates at your fingertips 🎨

One of the most common hurdles to getting started with Instagram Stories, AND complaints about running them, is how resource intensive they can be.

That's why we beefed up our media library to make it quick and easy to save your branded Stories templates. With a dedicated space for reusable Instagram Stories templates, you can easily build up a bank of branded assets that are one click away!

Instagram Stories Templates Save

As you collect a few branded templates for each of your clients, you'll notice how easy it is to maintain brand consistency in your Instagram Stories and the time savings will start to rack up.

We're taking what is notoriously a long and tedious process and making it simple. This is just another step, amongst a series of updates in HeyOrca, to enable agencies to deliver amazing Instagram Stories content for their clients!

Instagram Stories Templates Flow

Part of what makes Instagram Stories so engaging and eye-catching is the flexibility with all the text overlays, images, and GIFs that you have access to on Instagram!

That's why we have a caption area at the bottom of your Instagram Stories in HeyOrca to help capture the text you'd like to display on your Stories. When you're ready to publish any Instagram Stories from our HeyOrca mobile app, the caption is copied to your clipboard so you can simply add it to your template in Instagram.

Instagram Stories Example

It's as simple as that! Build up an accessible backlog of branded Story templates to get going on the format of the future RIGHT NOW. It's story time. 📚

[caption id="attachment_13719" align="aligncenter" width="304"]

Published Instagram Story

A published Instagram Story[/caption]

Wondering how to get started with Instagram Stories? We've got you 👌

As newer content types and formats emerge for engaging with audiences, sometimes the hardest part about leveraging them is just getting started.

With that in mind, we've put together a list of 32 Free Instagram Stories Templates that you can use to help you get up and running with the format of the future.

Are you ready to go all in on Instagram Stories? 📚

Check out how to plan, review, & schedule Instagram Stories on HeyOrca!

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